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Detuned coffee project

What is it about?


Great question!


But not sure that it is possible to give an absolute exact answer )


I deeply hope the project will move and evolve and change into something new with every step and effort. But I would like to point out the main values of this journey at the very beginning of it. Imagine like you are making the resolution to yourself before you go on a long sea expedition for the first time, you never know how it will change you and what severities you will face, however you are thrilled to meet new and unknown and you can not wait anymore. And to not go mad in front of the chaos that expects you, the one makes a plan and rules to stick to.

Detuned Coffee as a very personal project, and thus would like to introduce myself to build a connection to you, my friends.


I am Konstantin and I started my coffee journey 5 years ago, somehow it caused changes in my life, which appear to be huge from the perspective of myself of those times. Don't know what was the reason - the coffee itself or something that preceded and led me to coffee, but anyway I am happy that happened to me. It was the first time for a long period when I felt passion and lively interest in something productive, and could spend hours learning and crafting. More importantly I had an opportunity to share my passion with others. As a result at some point I've found myself in a company of open minded young lovely people from whom I learn a lot. I was happy to be accepted but also often felt "detuned" from them, from the world and even myself. I guess some people feel the same sometimes. All these brought  happiness as well as suffering, but more important - the understanding of what I should do, or at least, try my best to feel less "detuned". Thus I came to the necessity to express myself through work and craft, to establish my beliefs and values which I hope to share and incorporate in the workflow, to make good coffee for you and to be there for you and encourage you to be supportive to others!


Stay in tune and follow the news! There will be lots of interesting