Freshly roasted coffee in Tbilisi

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Choosing first coffee



Thinking of the first coffee to introduce makes me feel responsible and uncertain at the same time.

From one side, I want to provide impressive high quality coffee to you and from another side - keep the uniqueness and identity of my production with respect to others, staying true to my beliefs.

So, I had a choice to get outstanding green beans from one of the local roasters or find a green coffee supplier and purchase beans directly.

Regarding the first path: with deep respect to the efforts, that roasters make to find and incorporate new coffee in their stock - a huge work which goes along with high risks and responsibility (although to my mind this is the most exciting part of the job), I don't see the way I can accept such ready-to-go solution right now because it is not good for me in terms of learning nor for the market as there will be less value created.

The second way seems right to me for the reason that the supply chain is less complicated and more transparent thus, also it gives an opportunity to offer a better price to the consumer. Unfortunately there are some drawbacks: difficulties with importing green beans, logistics, taxes, minimal order etc.

After some research accidentely  I’ve found a local green coffee supplier in Georgia from Batumi but still had some doubts regarding the quality - there was no  chance to taste it. One day I surprisingly found that the beans I was roasting in my part time job are exactly from this supplier and the decision was made to cooperate with another roastery to purchase coffee  and split the costs. Purchasing from local supplier is much more easier than importing  although still requires funds to afford minimal order of 1 bag (60-70kg)

The stock is not so impressive as in the European market, Georgia just started to blossom with new wave roasteries and some time is needed to build a local supply chain for specialty coffee. 

Anyway there definitely are some good green coffees in Georgia, one of which I have tried and roasted already. I am quite satisfied with its quality although it is tricky to work with but I love challenges )

So, without further ado let me represent the first coffee of Detuned coffee project - with the huge respect to the most controversial (in my personal opinion : )  ) coffee, please, meet these washed processed  lovely beans from Colombia.






Country:  Colombia

Location:  Department of  Risaralda

Average altitude: 1450-1650 meters above sea level

Harvest time:  October to December (main), April to June (mitaca)

Supplier: INTEGRA

Specification:  SUPREMO  fully washed



All the information you can find and check on importer's web page as well as on coffee card on our site.

For now I am working on roasting profile and afterthat will also provide decription and reciepies for this coffee, from that point these Colombian beans will be available for purchasing, don't miss the updates and choose your coffee  wisely!