Freshly roasted coffee in Tbilisi

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Extrinsic attributes

Ethiopia Ardent Idido


Crop :










Idido (Yirgacheffe)






Ardent Coffee Export

Importers page

To create clean and sweet lots, Ardent trains pickers so that they bring only fully ripe berries of a certain shade of red to the processing station. Only berries picked in the middle of the season and closer to the end are used, since only such berries have the best potential for a bright cup.
The company sets a condition: the delivery of berries to the station must occur no later than the 8th hour from the moment of picking, so that only fresh berries, without spontaneous fermentation, are processed. Upon arrival at the station, all berries are washed and sorted by flotation and immediately sent for depulpation.
After depulpation, the lots are sent for fermentation for 36 hours, and also washed for 12 hours from the remains of the pulp.
Drying is done in the shade on a special net. According to the technology, the thickness of the layer changes depending on the weather: at the hottest and sunniest hour, as well as at night, the berries are laid out in 2-3 layers, the rest of the time the workers distribute them in a thinner layer. According to the rules of the Ardent company, one employee is assigned to each African bed, usually a woman, who is personally responsible for the quality of the lot at her station. Her responsibilities include monitoring the drying, as well as removing defective berries. Thus, the company has established standards that allow monitoring and rewarding workers depending on the results of their personal work. When the humidity reaches 11.5%, the coffee is left for 4 months to rest, after which the lots from each employee are marked and sent to the export preparation station.

Flavor profile

Aroma: Caramel, Brown spices, Stone fruit

Flavor: Tea, Citrus, Caramel

Aftertaste: bitter sweet, herbal

Body: medium, smooth

Acidity: Citrus like, medium

Roasting profile